A report from BES in Ethiopia:
Praise the Lord for the 100,000 Bible Time booklets in Amharic which have been printed and shipped to Ethiopia by Revival Movement. The majority of the Bible Time booklets have been distributed to more than 12 denominations throughout the country. Each denomination has several churches and many members and, for example, the largest denomination in Ethiopia is the Kale Heywet church and has more than 80,000 local churches and over one million members, so the distribution of Bible Time booklets is vast.
In the last couple of years, Tadesse and his team in Ethiopia have conducted more than 10 training and vision sharing programmes during which time over 478 children’s workers and church leaders have received training about Bible Time.
Trainees in Ethiopia
Recently Tadesse and one of his colleagues travelled almost 200 miles from Addis Ababa to a town called Metahara to meet more than 110 children’s workers and church leaders from 22 local churches who had gathered together to hear about the Bible Time booklets. Tadesse says, “The training and vision sharing went extremely well, and the children and trainees gave us a warm welcome and showed great interest in the Amharic Bible Time booklets. Over 2,332 booklets were distributed that day. We thank Revival Movement for the printing and shipping of these booklets to our country in one of our major languages, and we pray for greater dispersal of Bible Time booklets resulting in major life changes for those whom God touches through the booklets. Please pray for the printing and shipment of Bible Time in Afaan Oromo. The second major language of Ethiopia.”.